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Review of Uncut & Lo-Fi
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Yesterday a review of Uncut & Lo-Fi was published by RadioIndy.
CD Reviews
Sunday, November 15, 2009
"uncut & lo-fi" by Reform (Jazz Artist from Sweden)
"uncut & lo-fi" is the 5th and latest release from the Swedish group of 9 musicians known as Reform. They have been described as "Swedish psychedelic jazz-rock for the open minded." But what this album really sounds like is excited instrumental psychedelic garage-rock that takes cues from jazz in its improvisation and sense of order. The opener, "Lion Bar," is a wild track with boisterous and echo-laced drums, plus a plethora of instruments and sounds that makes for an energetic clamor skillfully placed somewhere between music and noise. In "Uncle Urri 2" they slow things down with a more reserved blues beat overlaid with soulful, yet highly spacey, harmonica and guitar playing. For "Spooky" they give us a song that sounds like a blend of jazz and jam-band styled rock, recorded loudly in their unique "lo-fi" manner. If you are a fan of experimental instrumental music, or intrigued by garage-rock that dares to employ the methods of jazz jams, then Reform's CD, "uncut & lo-fi," is an album you would certainly be interested in hearing.
-Sean B. and the RadioIndy.com Reviewer Team
You can buy the cd at CDBABY:
Yesterday Susanne, Peter and I went to see Wasa Express perform at Stampen. It was great! They played two brand new tunes. One was called Harry Schein's Impossible Mission and the other one I can't remember the name of. It is nice to hear new tunes and not only New Tuna. I was the guest bassist on one tune from their latest album, OS 2032, called Ett Brev (A Letter). On the original they play over a recording of Nils Ferlin's voice from 1944 reciting a poem called Ett Brev. Per Bruun, the bass player, recited and therefore I played bass. It was great playing with them!

On stage with Wasa Express

Wasa in action

Per "Cussion" Tjernberg joined Wasa for this concert
This is the second clip from the concert at Kolingen on November 9. This time it is Amanita Muscaria. Enjoy!
Take care!
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