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Hi music-lovers!
I am back from a great vacation in Gothenburg and Denmark. Although there was one sad matter that I had to deal with. Johan had to cancel his participation in the Backstage Festival which lead to a great deal of telephone conferences to find a replacement, which is not easy this time of year. People are not available.
I have talked to Jonas "Judas Retro" Redmo from the People who appreciated the offer but had to work. I have talked to Peter Åkerberg but his girlfriend's sister celebrated her birthday then and he was sorry that he had to say no. Anders talked to Lars Johan Brännmark, the first guitarist I played with, but he had a bachelor party for a friend and was very sad that he had to say no.
Since I am going to play with Uffe and Bjurre on the festival I was reluctant to ask Uffe. I thought that I would be a bit silly to just change drummers and call it something else. I talked to Magnus Ramel who was very keen on playing keyboard if he could change his work shift and then I called Uffe who was, as always, very keen on playing. He understood my concerns and said that if Magnus couldn't come he would fix another keyboard player.
It is great with positive people. It seems as if Anders and I now have solved the problem. It is an honour to play the festival and we are going to make it!
We have another distributer for our Norwegian fans
I had also received some mixes that Uffe made of some recordings. After Lennart and Åke had left Uffe showed me some songs he had written but had not finished. I sad "Let's finish them" and so we did. I produced them and I think they came out beautifully. Listen to them and judge for yourself!
Uffe plays the guitar and sings.
I play drums, tambourine, bass and vox organ.
My girlfriend Susanne said that it sounded a bit like a mix between Syd Barrett and David Bowie. I think there is some Velvet Underground in it too.
Carl-Eiwar Sect has a Myspace page at last! Check it out!
Enjoy life!
Nothing Whatsoever = excellent!