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We're gonna give you a taste of a little stuff we call...
... Reform music!
We had a wonderful rehearsal on January 24. Two newly born songs opened their eyes and saw the light! The first one I call Kytter. Kytter is an internal joke between my brither Anders and Peter. I won't even try to explain how the joke works, but it is really really strange and originates from a dish served on Anders' birthday party. The second one Peter suggested should be called Mitsuhirato. That's a character from the Tintin comic book Blue Lotus. Mitsuhirato is a very strange Japanese type and I lately have been referring to him on various occasions and because of that Peter suggested the song should be called Mitsuhirato.
Sorry about all the strange explanations!
Anyway, here they are. The personnel is as follows:
Jesper Bergman: electric bass
Anders Brgman: Drums
Micke Hujanen: Guitar
Peter Åkerberg: Guitar
Magnus Ramel: Keyboard
Mattias Lennestig: Keyboard

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
The debut album by Berglund, Kullhammar & Bergman Trio, Raw Fusion has finally been released and is available from many download stores and you can listen to it on Spotify
Live well!
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