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Greetings fellow reformers!
It was a nice gathering at Restaurang Lilla Wien last weekend and a nice premier for the "new" Reform with Micke Hujanen on guitar and Mattias Lennestig on keyboard. We played three sets consisting of our own material plus some Grateful Dead and some Miles Davis' tunes.
Friday evening was somewhat "searching", but still satisfying. Saturday night was great. The energy level was on top and, according to me, everyone was playing great! I think this is the best line-up so far. It really feels like a band and not like some musicians jamming together. This time I think we are forming a sound consisting of very open-minded musicians in search for unity.
Well, judge for yourself!
First off is Three Part Dream.
Followed by Downhill. The intro images are kind of weird. The beginning of the song was not recorded on camera so to begin with there are some imagery from the movie Dark Magus, made by me and my brother Anders in the late 90s. Anyway, it is better than a black screen!
Next I present you with the complete first set from Saturday.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
And finally some rehearsal material from November 21 and 22.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
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