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The rehearsal went well and we feel prepared for the weekend's concerts!
We will start with a set consisting of me and Bill on vocals singing songs by Grateful Dead, Lovin' Spoonful, Tim Hardin, Love and Buffalo Springfieldd.
I hope to see you there!

In the 60s Bill played in a group called the Merrymen. Alongside him in that group was Bo Hansson, who in 1970 became famous with his solo debut Lord of the rings (listen to a track further down). He died on april 24 2010 at aged 67. Sweden lost a great musician and creator. In 1967 Bill Öhrström produced the album Monument with Hansson's legendary duo, Hansson & Karlsson. Enjoy the track Taxfree from that album. It became part of Jimi Hendrix' live set. In 1967 Jimi Hendrix was in Sweden and according to the legend the first thing he asked when coming off the plane was: "Where is Harlington and Carlington?". Whether that is true or false is open for discussion, but one thing that is true is, that on that visit Hendrix lived in Bill Öhrström's apartment in Stockholm. Those were the days!
Taxfree performed by Jimi Hendrix.
Here follows a track from Lord of the Rings:
The Black Riders/Flight to the Ford (De svarta ryttarna/Flykten till vadstället)
Take care and live well!
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