lördag 25 december 2010

Mountain Men, 3rd set from Lilla Wien and Final Videos

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Fellow earthlings!

Another Xmas is over. Yet again consumerism has reach new peaks in the western world at the same time as people in other parts of the world are starving.

Whatever you do: Do not forget that there are other people living on earth alongside yourself! Let us take care of each other!

Back to music:

I have edited and re-edited three songs from this year's Backstage Festival. I am very satisfied with the Mountain Men sound on all three videos. There is a raw, spontaneous and fresh, sort of punky, touch about the whole performance. First up is Nuclear War, which is now also a part of Reform's repertoire. Composed by me and my old teenage music friend Petter Nyhlin.

The second one is Here's to Life. It surfaced during a jam with me, Anders and Peter in January 2009. This is the first song we played at the festival and we had not had time to do a proper sound check. That's why the levels are a bit strange in the beginning.

The third one is Divine, composed by Jukka Kemppainen, a guitarist from Skövde. It has a really catchy chorus. I have the original somewhere, probably on cassette or DAT. I will present it here if I ever find it. Anyway, I believe this to be a very good song.

Here follows the final set from the concert at Restaurang Lilla Wien. It consists of ten songs. We mix in some covers also. For the first time we played Sweet Jane by the Velvet Underground. It is always nice playing good music whatever genre it may be.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Next there are the three final videos from Lilla Wien: Tax Vobiscum, It's about that Time and Help on the Way. I am very satisfied with all three of them.

Take care of both yourselves and your fellow beings!

måndag 13 december 2010

More videos and the complete audio from the 2nd set

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Hi everyone!

I have edited some more videos from the gig at Lilla Wien. I have also re-edited Downhill and Three Part Dream. I realized I had done it a bit hastily and therefore it became quite boring watching it. Now it should be better!

Further down I also present you with audio from the complete second set.

Here they are. Enjoy!

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Take care!

fredag 3 december 2010

Complete 1st set from November 27 plus some videos and rehearsals

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Greetings fellow reformers!

It was a nice gathering at Restaurang Lilla Wien last weekend and a nice premier for the "new" Reform with Micke Hujanen on guitar and Mattias Lennestig on keyboard. We played three sets consisting of our own material plus some Grateful Dead and some Miles Davis' tunes.

Friday evening was somewhat "searching", but still satisfying. Saturday night was great. The energy level was on top and, according to me, everyone was playing great! I think this is the best line-up so far. It really feels like a band and not like some musicians jamming together. This time I think we are forming a sound consisting of very open-minded musicians in search for unity.

Well, judge for yourself!

First off is Three Part Dream.

Followed by Downhill. The intro images are kind of weird. The beginning of the song was not recorded on camera so to begin with there are some imagery from the movie Dark Magus, made by me and my brother Anders in the late 90s. Anyway, it is better than a black screen!

Next I present you with the complete first set from Saturday.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

And finally some rehearsal material from November 21 and 22.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


lördag 20 november 2010

New line-up and first of four rehearsals + Pocket Size

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On Thursday evening November 18 we had a fantastic rehearsal playing only Reform tunes. Micke Hujanen really got into it and had a lot of suggestions concerning groove and arrangement, but above all he added a fantastic atmosphere both musically and environmentally.

For me, as the band leader, it was a wonderful feeling!!! We are going to rehearse Sunday, Monday and Tuesday also. Everything to give you an as pleasant as possible concert experience on the 26th and 27th at Lilla Wien!

So, here are two tracks from the rehearsal:

Madame Riot Lajath and Tax Vobiscum. Both composed by Magnus Ramel and arranged by Reform.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

I attended a release party for a group called Pocket Size and their album The hornplayer from the milky way.
This album is my tip of the day. It is a great mixture of Zappa, King Crimson, Gentle Giant and Mahavishnu Orchestra. The group is lead by an old friend of mine, Peter Pedersen, who also writes all the group's material. Listen to this album! You won't regret it! I hope that Pocket Size and Reform will do some gigs together in the near future.

Take care and live well!

lördag 23 oktober 2010

Reform, Transubstans, Wasa Express, Ulf Henningsson and the Dead

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Hi there reformers!

Good news! Reform finally has agreed on a record deal with the progressive record label Transubstans Records. We feel very satisfied with that and hope that it will help our music to gain more exposure. The work continues with the new record that will hopefully be out sometime in early 2011.


Today I will present you with three more songs from the gig in Gothenburg:

Playing in the Band
China Cat Sunflower
Birds of a Feather

Very intense versions all of them.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

A new Wasa Express album is also up on Spotify. It is called Search for a New World and it a quite special one. It is focused on melodies and is very well produced. It is also special in that sense that it is a very serious album. No Wasa Express-like jokes. Judge yourself! In my opinion it is one of their finest since the focus is on music only.


If you have not yet enjoyed Whatsoever, the new album by Ulf Henningsson, then you better do. It is one of those that gets better and more interesting the more you listen to it.

Ulf Henningsson: Guitars and lead vocals
Jesper Bergman: 8 string Hagström, backing vocals and keyboards
Anders Bergman: Drums and percussion


Take care and enjoy life and music!

tisdag 28 september 2010

Reform and the Dead

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Dear reformers!

We had a wonderful time in Gothenburg at Truckstop Alaska and we enjoyed an evening in the great spirit of Grateful Dead. Mushroom Pickers made a great interpretation and so did Den stora Vilan. We also enjoyed rehearsing and Micke Hujanen has been a great complement to the group and really glues with us musically. It is great to know so many wonderful musicians.

Here follows some tracks from the concert:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

And here follows some tracks from the rehearsal:

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

I also give you Den Stora Vilan doing a "Haight Street type" gig in Gothenburg.


tisdag 14 september 2010

Nuclear War, Garcia and Phish

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Fellow reformers!

I am experiencing troubles switching computers from PC to Mac. I have used Vegas for video editing and now I have to switch to Final Cut, I presume. Due to that videos from the Backstage Festival have not been published and no new audio tracks either. I have waited for a special mixer board in order to finish up all the old PC projects and it arrived today, so tomorrow I will start working.

Meanwhile I want to tell you that the work with the tribute concerts for Jerry Garcia in Gothenburg and Stockholm is in progress. We rehearsed with the basic unit yesterday and it went very well. We also played Birds of a Feather by Phish. Peter handled the vocals brilliantly! Micke Hujanen did a great work on guitar and it was a wonderful experience playing with Mattias Lennestig from Reform 1,2 and 3 again. Great to play with dedicated musicians who really put an effort in studying the songs.

Here follows Nuclear War from the Backstage Festival and Birds of a Feather by Phish:

Take care and stayed tuned for more updates!

måndag 23 augusti 2010

Uncle Urri Extended, Mosebacke, Södra Teatern and Berglund, Kullhammar & Bergman Trio

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Fellow reformers!

A lot has been going on. The plans for the Jerry Garcia celebration is in the making. Reform will play in Gothenburg on September 25 and in Stockhol on October 2.

While waiting for all the material from the rehearsals and from the Backstage Festival, which was a success, I'll give you some other things to enjoy. Among those one complete song from the soon to be released album by Berglund, Kullhammar & Bergman Trio.

To begin with I present you with a previously unreleased version of The Uncle Urri Suite.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Wasa Exprextra with Gunhild Carling from Mosebacke on July 25 2010.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Wasa Exprextra performs Mr Clean by Freddie Hubbard at Södra Teatern on June 2 2010.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Electrizoped with BKB Trio recorded on July 18 2010.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

A long report from the Backstage Festival will follow when I present the first video with the Mountain Men from the event. Until then...

Take care and enjoy the music!