torsdag 15 oktober 2009

Why Uncut & Lo-Fi?

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That is a question that I can answer.

We are living in the age of hi-tech. All music has to be digitally this and that. I am reading Chuck Berry's biography for the moment and I get inspired by the focus on the actual music and not on the equipment. We have had some concerts this year and musically I have been very satisfied. They have been recorded with camera and a portable recording device that Åke has. These two sources have been blended into one. Honesty is one of the leading terms for Reform. Because of this I thought that it would be a waste not to publish the tracks although they were very lo-fi. The music is good so why should the sound quality be that important? What we want to hear anyway is a group that has a sound within itself and that delivers well played music. When you first turn the album on you may react to the quality, but give it a chance and you will get used to it. The levels between instruments may be a bit strange but that is because Åke's device was placed near the drums and that the camera is moving constantly.

Well, I hope you settle with this explanation.

Now, go to Record Heaven's site and order your copy of Uncut & Lo-Fi.


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