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Fellow reformers!
A lot has been going on. The plans for the Jerry Garcia celebration is in the making. Reform will play in Gothenburg on September 25 and in Stockhol on October 2.
While waiting for all the material from the rehearsals and from the Backstage Festival, which was a success, I'll give you some other things to enjoy. Among those one complete song from the soon to be released album by Berglund, Kullhammar & Bergman Trio.
To begin with I present you with a previously unreleased version of The Uncle Urri Suite.
Wasa Exprextra with Gunhild Carling from Mosebacke on July 25 2010.
Wasa Exprextra performs Mr Clean by Freddie Hubbard at Södra Teatern on June 2 2010.
Electrizoped with BKB Trio recorded on July 18 2010.
A long report from the Backstage Festival will follow when I present the first video with the Mountain Men from the event. Until then...
Take care and enjoy the music!