lördag 24 juli 2010

A Taste of Ulf Henningsson's New Album & Tribute at Mosebacke

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The recording went very well and the album consists of seven songs and will be called Whatsoever.

Here is a taste: Wood Wood Wood

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Hope you like it!

Tomorrow it is time for the event at Mosebacke.


Buy ticket here

Wasa Exprextra will play at the end and have some guests, among those Jojje Wadenius and Gunhild Carling. It will be great I hope. For the moment I am rehearsing all the songs that we are going to play and it is quite a job actually!

Take care and I hope I will see you tomorrow!

fredag 16 juli 2010

Recordings and Concerts

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How sad! I just recieved notice that there will not be a JerryWeek starting on the August 1. Some bands jumped ship due to various complications and so the manager at Nürnberghuset got cold feet it seems. Mabbe from Mushtroom Pickers is having another shot at it in September. Hope it works!

I have not written anything here for more than a month. Bad me! Actually I have not had access to the Internet.

The summer started out with me producing a great new band from Stockholm called Face My Days. They recorded a five song EP for my Label, Onebeard Records. The recording will be available for downloading in August or September.

Then I had a fantastic recording session with Berglund, Kullhammar & Bergman Trio. We recorded seven songs. They are to be mixed in August.

On July there is a Tribute concert at Mosebacke

A tribute to Bosse och Git

Stora scenen - 25 of July 2010 - 1700h

On stage, among others:
Jojje Wadenius
Owe Thörnqvist
Roffe Wikström
Clas Yngström
Grus i Dojjan
Max Schultz
Ewert Ljusberg
Lars Demian
Gun Carling
Wasa Exprextra
Kung Tung
Per Sörman
Pierre Ström
Trio me Bumba
Hjalmar Leissner

Hosts: Hjalmar Leissner and Ulf Bejerstrand

Entrance: 180:-

We will revive the line-up from the Multi-Kulti support event, Wasa Exprextra. It will consist of:

Doktor Åker Eriksson: Drums
Jesper Bergman: Electric Bass
Thomas Berglund: Electric Guitar
Per "Cussion" Tjernberg: Percussion
Kjell Allinger: Hammond Organ

Come and support the arts!

On August 7 it is time for the Backstage Festival for the fourth time! This year Carl-Eiwar Sect will not play, unfortunately. That's Mats' policy and it's good I think. Otherwise there would only be the same groups playing every year. Mountain Men will of course play. This time with Peter Åkerberg on guitar. I think it will be great. Me, Anders and Peter are very used to each other since we play together in Reform. Maybe Magnus Ramel will join us too. I hope so!!!

For the moment I am in Mariestad recording Ulf Henningssons second album, an EP consisting of seven tracks that we co-produce. Uffe is, as we speak, making some guitar overdubs. On the recording there are only me, Uffe and my Anders playing. Uffe does the guitars and the lead vocals and some backing vocals, I do the bass, the keyboards and backing vocals and Anders (from Reform) does the drums, percussion and some backing vocals. It seems it is turning out fine! It will be released in August or September.

Take care!

Talk to you soon!