torsdag 10 juni 2010

About the Importance of Record Stores. Support Event for Multi Kulti

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Dear fellow reformers!

A lot has been happening since last time. There was a support event for the great record store Multi Kulti here in Stockholm. Two nights filled with music. On June 1 and 2 the event took place at Södra Teatern (South Theatre). A lot of great musicians had gathered to help and to honour the only place in Stockholm where you still can talk about and buy non-mainstream music.

You may ask yourself why it has to be special event to save a record store. Ten years ago the record store was the gathering point for music enthusiasts and musicians. In the record store you could be tipped off about a great album and meet interesting people.

Now, the general Swede seems more interested in buying online and discuss music on forums, and why not? It is easy and you do not have to leave your home.

I strongly believe that there is something missing in a European capital if it cannot offer that special, narrow cultural product, or whatever special thing you may be looking for. There are actually certain things that you cannot experience on the internet. Not even with Skype can you get really close to a person. We need real contact and interaction in order to feel alive!

I remember myself in the early 90s going to Memphis Skivbörs in Skövde. There were a lot of nerds there. One of those nerds saw that I had picked up a Who collection, and without this interaction I would never have become the Who-freak I, in many ways, still am. The owner of the record store let me work there on weekends and he also put me in contact with Mats Jarl, the founder of the Backstage Festival, and I started playing bass in his group, Uncle Madcap. He is still one of my best friends. All this for a record store! I know that my story is only one of an infinite amount of stories about what record stores have meant to people through time.

Anyway, to this special event. On July 2 a constellation called Wasa Exprextra played.

The line-up consisted of a mix from Wasa Express, EGBA and Reform:

Doktor Åker Eriksson: Drums
Ulf Adåker: Trumpet
Fredrik Lindborg: Tenor Saxophone
Jesper Bergman: Electric Bass
Thomas Berglund: Electric Guitar
Per "Cussion" Tjernberg: Percussion
Kjell Allinger: Hammond Organ

We played three tunes:

Mr Clean and Red Clay, both composed by Freddie Hubbard
Soul Sacrifice by Santana.

I will now present you with Red Clay and Soul Sacrifice.

Hope you will enjoy!

Take care!

lördag 5 juni 2010

Three Part Dream and Rawfusion

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Reform's GrIndie award
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Visit A&R Jesper Bergman and receive 2 barcodes (UPC) for free!

Hello there fellow reformers!

After spending a lot of time editing videos from Lilla Wien, I am proud to present you with six more videos available on Youtube at the Reform channel. I have chosen to feature two of them here on the blog today, Three Part Dream and Rawfusion. They transmit energy and were performed well.

Take care!